meati mobile focus group
June 29th, 2023 | 5 min read
  • Product Launches

Mobile Focus Groups Redefine Product Testing Norms

Get ready to take product testing on the road. With mobile focus groups, we hit city streets armed with mystery products and insatiable curiosity. It’s an exciting adventure where customers participate in a blind taste test, sharing their real-time opinions on everything from taste to packaging to branding. We capture detailed feedback and gather precious information while having a blast. And the best part? Mobile focus groups are more efficient and cost-effective than traditional product testing methods, reaching more participants in less time.

Unleash the power of mobile focus groups and enjoy a plethora of benefits. Get ready for face-to-face interactions, in-depth insights, and swift product development that leaves your customers satisfied and wanting more.

When Meati decided to launch their newest product, the classic chicken cutlet, they leaned into a mobile focus group strategy with Promobile Marketing to speed up their go-to-market.

Food Focus Groups Propel Product Launches at Lightning Speed

Mobile focus groups offer lightning-fast feedback, allowing you to get a deep understanding of your customers’ needs. It’s real-time, action-packed opinions that surpass online surveys, or traditional product testing focus groups.

Fast & Repeatable Feedback

Mobile focus groups offers a fast and repeatable feedback loop, delivering results every time. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to face-to-face interactions with your potential customers. With instant reactions and data collection, you can swiftly bring the product your customers desire to market. It’s all about speed and satisfying their wants pronto!

Real-Time In-Person Opinions

Forget those online surveys that sometimes miss the mark – we’re talking about real-time, in-person magic where you can feel the pulse of the customer’s true thoughts.

These mobile focus groups are like having a front-row seat to the customer’s mind, where you can not only gauge their opinions but also witness their epic reactions to your product and branding.

In only 1 day, Meati gathered an ocean of feedback. The verdict? Customers couldn’t resist the deliciousness of Meati, choosing it over other meats or alternatives. Meati even had participants spill the beans on whether they’d swipe that purchase button, all based on their unforgettable experience that day.

meati taste test in new york

Mobile Focus Groups Revolutionize Product Testing

Compared to those old-school in-home usage tests (IHUT) or central location tests (CLT), our mobile focus group food trucks bring you savings like never before because we’re hitting the road and meeting the customers right where they are!

Budget Friendly

Forget about the old methods that drain your wallet, and might have included compensating participants for travel expenses – we’re here to shake things up and make product testing a playful and cost-effective delight, saving you those extra bucks.
It’s a budget-friendly journey – our mobile food truck becomes the ultimate hotspot where customers gather to taste and share their thoughts about your brands newest product, bringing their taste buds and opinions along for the ride.

Flexible and Cost Effective

Let’s bring the focus group to the participants and create a buzzworthy experience that’ll have everyone talking.
Mobile focus groups are the superheroes of flexibility and cost-effectiveness! Say goodbye to the limitations of in-home usage tests (IHUT) and central location tests (CLT). With mobile focus groups, we bring the party to the participants, saving them from long journeys and bringing you a dynamic and buzzing atmosphere.

Our mobile focus groups set up shop in high-traffic areas, creating a whirlwind of excitement and drawing in a crowd like bees to honey, and participants lining up to be part of the action.

Larger Sample Size

While an average sample size typically ranges from 50 to 75 participants in traditional product testing venues, our mobile focus groups get a whopping 200 to 500 opinions and samples in just one day. That’s right, we’re talking about a mind-boggling 10 times the participants, all while keeping the cost at a fraction of the price.
Meati was able to collect 220 responses in only a single day!

Location Specific

With the flexibility to choose specific locations, we take product testing to new heights. By setting up shop in bustling areas with high foot traffic, we’re not only tapping into the pulse of the general population but also attracting those carefully recruited demographics.

It’s like painting a vivid picture of your product’s marketability and gaining insights into the electrifying reactions it will ignite in the public.

Mobile Focus Groups Reinforce Product Propositions with Customer Insights

Get ready to ignite a spark of validation within your organization using the samples and opinions collected from our mobile focus groups. Give your employees and investors a front-row seat to the magic of customer love and purchase intent. With the invaluable research you gather, we’ll showcase how your product not only resonates with customers but also amplifies your brand like a symphony of success.

Meati’s journey is a prime example of how opinions and reactions from participants in our mobile focus group blind taste test showcased people’s overwhelming preference for Meati over other meats and meat alternatives, which helped validate their product proposition to their commercial partners, including retailers, distributors, and customers alike.

meati food truck taste test

Meati’s Chicken Cutlet Taste Test

Meati harnessed the magic of our unbranded food truck parked in Union Square. It was a taste test extravaganza, where customers flocked to experience the deliciousness firsthand and participate in a blind taste test.

In just one day, Meati pulled off a magnificent feat, gathering a whopping 220 samples and opinions. It’s like capturing a treasure trove of feedback that would put traditional focus groups to shame. The best part? They unlocked a wider range of insights, giving them a panoramic view of customer preferences.

So get ready to revolutionize your product testing and data collection game with our mobile focus group. It’s time to make a grand entrance, dazzle the crowd, and gather feedback like never before. Let’s create a whirlwind of excitement and unleash the true potential of your brand.


Promobile Marketing is a dynamic experiential marketing agency based in New York City. For over a decade, Promobile Marketing has collaborated with a range of brands—from budding startups to major CPG brands—on immersive marketing campaigns. Get in touch to discuss your next project.