immersive marketing
July 31st, 2023 | 21 min read
  • Immersive Experiences

The Ultimate Immersive Marketing Guide (2024 Updated)

Immersive marketing, also known as engagement marketing, is a strategy that leverages innovative technologies and strategies, like AR, VR, and live events, to directly engage consumers and encourages them to participate in brand experiences, that captivate them and deepen their connection with the product or brand. Over the years, different types of immersive experiences have been developed and used in experiential marketing campaigns, but here’s what you need to know in 2024.

Virtual Reality (VR)

VR is a fully immersive experience where users can ‘enter’ and interact with a computer-generated world in a seemingly real way. This world can replicate real-life environments or can be entirely fantastical.

wearing vr headset

Here’s how VR is used in the context of marketing:

Product Demonstrations

VR can be used to give customers an immersive demonstration of a product. For example, a car manufacturer could create a VR experience that allows users to ‘drive’ their latest car model in a variety of environments.

Virtual Tours

Companies in the real estate or tourism industry could use VR to provide virtual tours of properties or destinations. For example, a hotel chain might offer a virtual tour of their suites, facilities, or even the local area.

Training and Education

VR can provide immersive training experiences, useful for both employees and customers. For instance, a company that sells complex equipment could use VR to train customers on its use in a safe, virtual environment.

Immersive Brand Experiences

Brands can use VR to create unique and immersive experiences that engage customers in a deeply personal way. For example, a travel company could create a VR experience that allows users to explore different holiday destinations, or a movie studio could let users explore a movie’s setting in VR.

Virtual Stores

Some retailers are exploring the use of VR for virtual shopping experiences. Users can ‘walk’ through a virtual store, pick up products, read labels, and make purchases, all from the comfort of their own homes.

Market Research

Companies can use VR to create realistic environments and scenarios to test and gain insights into consumer behavior in a controlled but realistic setting.

The immersive nature of VR presents a powerful tool for marketers, allowing customers to engage with products or services in a unique, interactive way. As technology continues to improve and become more accessible, it is likely we will see more and more innovative uses of VR in marketing. Read more about virtual reality in marketing campaigns.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Unlike Virtual Reality, which creates a completely artificial environment, AR enhances the existing environment with additional digital information—such as images, sounds, and text. AR overlays virtual objects in the real-world environment, creating an immersive experience where digital and physical worlds blend together.
AR Scavenger Hunt

AR can be experienced through devices such as smartphones, tablets, AR glasses, or even heads-up displays in vehicles. Here are a few ways you can apply AR technology in your next marketing campaign.

Product Visualization

AR can help customers visualize products before purchasing. For example, furniture retailers like IKEA offer AR apps that let customers see how a piece of furniture would look in their own home.

Virtual Try-Ons

In fashion and beauty industries, AR allows customers to virtually “try on” items like clothes, glasses, or makeup. This can enhance the online shopping experience and increase customer confidence in their purchases.

Interactive Advertising

AR can make advertising interactive and engaging. For example, a movie poster might come to life with a trailer or an interactive game when viewed through an AR app.

Enhanced Navigation

AR can overlay directions onto the real world, making navigation more intuitive. This can be useful in large stores or events to guide customers to products or booths.

Educational Experiences

AR can be used to provide additional information about products or exhibits. For example, a museum might use AR to provide more information about a piece of art or to show what a dinosaur might have looked like in real life.

Branded AR Games

Brands can create engaging AR games as a part of their marketing campaigns. A famous example is Pokémon Go, which, while not tied to a specific brand, exemplified how AR games can engage a massive number of users and generate significant revenue.

In marketing, AR can create a more interactive and engaging experience for customers, which can help a brand stand out in a crowded marketplace. As AR technology continues to improve and become more widespread, it’s likely that it will play an increasingly important role in the future of marketing. Here are a few more ways you can use AR in your next marketing campaign.

Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed Reality, also sometimes called Hybrid Reality or Extended Reality (XR), is a technology that combines elements of both AR and VR where digital and real-world objects co-exist and interact in real time.

Mixed Reality doesn’t only take place in the physical or virtual world, but is a mix of reality and virtual reality, encompassing both Augmented Reality and Augmented Virtuality (AV). The users are able to interact with digital content in the real world and to control their environment in real-time. Here’s how MR can be used in the context of marketing:

Product Demonstrations

Mixed Reality can take product demonstrations to a whole new level. For example, a company selling machinery can provide its customers with a MR headset to interact with a virtual version of the machine in their real-world environment, allowing them to see how it works and fits into their space.

Immersive Shopping Experiences

MR can be used to create immersive shopping experiences. A user could, for instance, view a virtual product in their physical environment and manipulate it as if it was actually there. They could see how a piece of furniture looks and fits in their house, or how a car looks in their driveway.

Training and Education

MR can be used to provide interactive training or educational experiences. This could be especially useful for complex products or services, where customers or employees could learn by interacting with a virtual version in a real-world context.

Interactive Advertising

MR can make advertising interactive and engaging. For instance, a movie poster might come to life with 3D characters and scenes when viewed through a MR device, giving the viewer a teaser of the movie in a more immersive and interactive way.

Events and Experiences

MR can be used to create engaging experiences at events. For example, at a product launch event, attendees could use MR devices to interact with the product in various virtual scenarios.

Mixed Reality provides a whole new way for customers to experience and interact with brands. As MR technology becomes more accessible and widespread, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of it in marketing. However, like AR and VR, it requires special hardware and can be costly to develop, which may be a barrier for some brands.

Interactive Installations

Interactive installations are physical setups or displays designed to engage viewers through active participation. These installations might be found in a wide variety of settings, including museums, trade shows, festivals, retail stores, and public spaces. The interactivity can take on many forms, from digital touchscreens to kinetic sculptures to VR or AR experiences as mentioned above. The key is that the viewer is not just a passive observer, but actively involved in the experience in some way. Here’s a closer look at how they can be used:
interactive display museum

Product Demos

An interactive installation could allow consumers to try a product in a unique or immersive setting. For example, a tech company might create an installation where consumers can try out their new virtual reality headset with a custom game or experience.

Branded Experiences

A brand might create an interactive installation that embodies the brand’s values or personality, offering a unique and engaging way for consumers to connect with the brand. For example, a brand known for innovation might create an installation showcasing future technologies or concepts.


Interactive installations can be used to tell a story in an engaging and immersive way. This could be the story of the brand, a specific product, or even a cause or issue that the brand supports.

Social Media Engagement

Many interactive installations are designed to be visually striking and shareable, encouraging consumers to take photos or videos and share them on social media. This can help the brand reach a wider audience and generate buzz.

Educational Purposes

An installation can be designed to educate visitors about a brand’s products, services, or values in a hands-on, engaging manner.

Interactive installations are a powerful tool in experiential marketing because they offer a tangible, engaging way for consumers to interact with a brand. However, they must be well-designed and thoughtfully executed to ensure they provide a positive and memorable experience for consumers.

Live Events and Experiences

Live events and experiences are key elements of experiential marketing. Concerts, pop-up shops, festivals, or any live event allow businesses to engage with their audience in a physical, immersive way that goes beyond traditional advertising. They provide a platform for brands to interact directly with their consumers, understand their preferences, and create lasting memories that can drive brand loyalty. Here’s how live events and experiences are used in marketing:
skincare workshop

Product Launches

A live event is a great way to generate excitement and buzz about a new product. It gives consumers a chance to experience the product first-hand and creates a memorable moment that is associated with the product.

Trade Shows and Conferences

Trade shows offer opportunities for brands to showcase their products, services, and innovations. They allow businesses to interact with potential customers, industry professionals, and media.

Brand Activations

These are campaign-based, interactive events designed to engage consumers and get them to interact with the brand in a meaningful way. They often involve immersive experiences that aim to generate a strong emotional connection between the consumer and the brand.

Pop-up Experiences

Pop-up events are temporary experiential marketing events that take place in a space for a limited time. They can be used for product launches, collaborations, seasonal promotions, or just to create a unique brand experience.

Consumer Workshops

Brands can host live workshops to educate consumers about their products, share valuable knowledge, or provide enjoyable experiences. For example, a skincare brand might host a workshop teaching consumers about skincare routines using their products.


Brands often sponsor events, concerts, sports games, and festivals to reach their target audience. Through sponsorship, a brand can gain visibility, access to exclusive advertising opportunities, and association with the values and emotions of the event.

Influencer Events

Brands can invite influencers to their events to increase reach and visibility. Influencers can document their experiences at the event on their social media platforms, thus spreading the word to their followers.

In planning and executing live events, marketers should keep in mind the target audience’s preferences, the brand’s message, and how to create an engaging and memorable experience. In recent years, with the advent of virtual reality and other immersive technologies, some brands have begun to explore hybrid events that combine elements of in-person and virtual experiences, broadening their reach.

Product Sampling and Demonstrations

Product sampling and demonstrations are powerful marketing strategies used to introduce consumers to a brand’s product. These methods are designed to let consumers experience the product first-hand before making a purchase, building familiarity, trust, and excitement.
free food samples

Product Sampling

This involves giving consumers a chance to try a product for free. The sample could be a smaller version of the product, a one-time use, or even a full-sized product. This approach is commonly used in the food and beverage industry, beauty and personal care products, and household goods. It gives consumers a risk-free way to try new products and can often lead to increased sales and product adoption.

Product Demonstrations

This involves showing consumers how a product works and what benefits it provides. Demonstrations are particularly useful for products that are new, complex, or have a unique selling proposition that’s best understood when experienced. This strategy is often used in electronics stores, trade shows, or home shopping channels. Here’s how these strategies are used in marketing:

Increased Awareness and Trial

Sampling and demonstrations allow consumers to experience the product directly, increasing awareness and encouraging trial. They can help a product stand out in a crowded market and give consumers the confidence to purchase.


Demonstrations educate consumers on how to use a product, especially if it’s complex or innovative. This education can increase the perceived value of the product and reduce potential usage barriers.

Create a Buzz

If the product is exciting or innovative, a demonstration can create a buzz. Consumers might share their experiences on social media, generating word-of-mouth marketing.

Immediate Feedback

These strategies also allow brands to get immediate feedback on their products. Consumers can ask questions, express concerns, or share their impressions directly, providing valuable insights. Meati used a mobile focus group in order to gather immediate feedback from their target marketing.

Brand Engagement

These interactive experiences also provide an opportunity for brands to engage directly with consumers, building relationships and enhancing brand perception.

Given their direct, experiential nature, product sampling and demonstrations can be more impactful than traditional advertising in certain circumstances. They allow consumers to see, feel, taste, and understand the product, creating a personal connection that can drive purchase behavior.


Gamification is the application of game-design elements and game principles in non-game contexts. In the realm of marketing, gamification is used to encourage engagement with a product or service. By turning an interaction with a product or service into a game, businesses can enhance customer engagement, improve brand loyalty, and increase the likelihood of certain behaviors, such as making a purchase or sharing content on social media. Here’s a more detailed look at how gamification can be used in marketing:
scavenger hunt


One of the key elements of gamification is the use of rewards. This could be in the form of points, badges, or levels that customers earn by completing certain actions, such as making a purchase, sharing content on social media, or referring friends to the business. These rewards can sometimes be redeemed for discounts, exclusive content, or other benefits.


Another common element of gamification is the use of leaderboards, which can create a sense of competition among customers. For example, a brand might display a leaderboard showing the customers who have earned the most points or completed the most challenges.

Challenges or Quests

Creating challenges or quests can be a fun way for customers to engage with a brand. For instance, a brand might create a series of challenges related to using their product or learning about their company. Completing these challenges could earn customers points or rewards.

Progress Tracking

Showing customers their progress can motivate them to continue engaging with the brand. For example, a fitness brand might create a challenge where customers have to work out a certain number of times in a month, and then provide a progress bar showing how close they are to completing the challenge.

Interactive Experiences

Some brands take gamification a step further and create entire games centered around their products or services. For example, a cereal brand might create a mobile game where players have to collect as many of the brand’s cereal boxes as possible.

In all these examples, the key to successful gamification is to make it fun and engaging for the customer. The game elements should feel like a natural part of interacting with the brand, rather than a forced or gimmicky add-on. When done right, gamification can be a powerful tool for enhancing customer engagement and driving brand loyalty.

360-Degree Video and Photography

360-degree videos and photos are immersive forms of content that give viewers a full 360-degree view of a scene. This means that viewers can look in any direction they wish – up, down, left, or right. The aim is to provide an experience that’s more engaging and interactive than traditional 2D content. This technology can be used for virtual tours, interactive narratives, and more.
360 degree video and photography

This form of content is typically captured using a special camera system that records all 360 degrees of a scene simultaneously. Viewers can then navigate the scene either by physically moving their device around in the case of smartphones and tablets, clicking and dragging with a mouse, or, for an even more immersive experience, using a virtual reality headset. Here’s how 360-degree videos and photos can be used in marketing:

Virtual Tours

One of the most common uses of 360-degree content in marketing is to provide virtual tours. Real estate companies, hotels, and universities, for example, might use 360-degree content to show potential customers or students what it would be like to be there in person.

Product Showcases

Businesses can use 360-degree videos or photos to showcase their products from all angles. This could be particularly useful for products where the details, design, or functionality can be better appreciated in a 3D space.

Behind-The-Scenes Content

Brands can use 360-degree content to give customers a behind-the-scenes look at how their products are made or to showcase their company culture. This can help to build trust and deepen customer relationships.

Immersive Ads

Some brands have started to use 360-degree content to create more immersive advertisements. These can offer a more engaging and memorable experience than traditional ads.

Event Coverage

360-degree content can be used to cover events, giving viewers who couldn’t attend in person a sense of what it was like to be there.

360-degree content can be a powerful tool for marketers, providing an immersive and engaging experience that can be particularly effective in the digital age, where capturing and maintaining consumer attention is more challenging than ever. However, it’s worth noting that creating 360-degree content can require specialized equipment and skills, and not all consumers may have the technology needed to fully experience this content (such as VR headsets).

Escape Rooms

Escape rooms are immersive, interactive experiences where groups of players are “locked” inside a themed room and must find clues and solve puzzles in order to “escape” within a set time limit. The idea is to create a live-action, team-based game where players have to work together to achieve their objective.

Escape rooms can have a wide range of themes, including everything from mystery, horror, fantasy, science fiction, historical scenarios to more abstract and creative settings. Each room usually has a narrative or backstory to help engage players and provide context for the puzzles. Here’s how a typical escape room game might work:


Before the game starts, the game master will brief the players about the basic rules of the game, as well as the story behind the specific room.


Once inside the room, players must start exploring their surroundings, looking for any clues or unusual objects. The clues will often be interconnected, with one clue leading to another, and some clues might not make sense until later in the game.

Solving Puzzles

Escape rooms can feature a wide variety of puzzles, including logic puzzles, physical challenges, riddles, pattern recognition tasks, and tasks requiring teamwork or good communication. Successfully solving a puzzle will usually provide a clue or a key needed to progress.


As the game progresses, players will usually move through different parts of the room or even multiple rooms, each with its own set of puzzles and clues.


The ultimate goal is to escape from the room, usually by finding a key or solving a final puzzle that “unlocks” the door.


After the game, the game master will usually debrief the team, explaining any puzzles they didn’t solve and discussing how they worked as a team.

In the context of experiential marketing, brands can create escape rooms that incorporate their products or messaging into the game. For example, a tech company might create an escape room where players have to use their devices to solve puzzles, or a movie studio might create a room themed around their latest film. This not only gives consumers a memorable experience but also lets them interact with the brand in a unique and engaging way. Here’s a few different ways to incorporate escape rooms into your next marketing campaign.

Personalized Experiences

Personalization in experiential marketing involves creating individualized interactions or experiences for consumers based on their specific needs, behaviors, or preferences. The idea is to make the consumer feel uniquely appreciated and understood, which can enhance their connection with the brand and influence their purchase decisions.
custom car

Personalized experiences can vary widely based on the nature of the product or service, the target audience, and the creative approach of the campaign. However, here are some ways personalization might be integrated into an experiential marketing campaign:

Customized Product Demonstrations

Rather than having a one-size-fits-all product demonstration, brands could customize the demonstration based on the consumer’s specific needs or interests. For example, a tech company might adjust a software demonstration based on the consumer’s industry or role.

Personalized Recommendations

Brands can provide personalized product or service recommendations based on a consumer’s past purchases, preferences, or behaviors. For instance, a beauty brand might recommend specific products based on a consumer’s skin type, concerns, and beauty goals.

Individualized Experiences

In some cases, brands might create completely individualized experiences for consumers. For example, a luxury car brand might invite potential customers to a personalized test drive experience tailored to their driving preferences and style.

Targeted Events

Brands could host events tailored to specific consumer segments. For instance, a fitness brand might host different events for beginners, intermediates, and advanced athletes.

Personalized Communications

Brands can personalize their communication before, during, and after the event. For example, they could send personalized emails with information related to the customer’s interests or provide personalized follow-ups based on their interaction at the event.

Interactive and Personalized Content

With the use of technology like AR, VR, or AI, brands can create interactive content that changes based on the individual user’s actions or preferences. For example, a fashion brand could create a virtual dressing room where users can see how clothes would look on their own digital avatar.

It’s important to note that personalization needs to be handled carefully. Consumers are increasingly aware and protective of their personal data, so brands must ensure they are transparent about how they collect and use this data, and always comply with applicable privacy laws. When done right, personalized experiences can make consumers feel valued and understood, which can significantly enhance their relationship with the brand and their likelihood to make a purchase.

Sensory Marketing

Sensory marketing, also known as sensory branding, is a type of marketing that appeals to all the senses in relation to the brand. It uses the senses to relate with customers on an emotional level, aiming to influence their behavior at a subconscious level. It consists of targeting the five senses—sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste—to create a multi-sensory experience with the brand. Here’s a bit more detail on each:

Visual (Sight)

The visual elements of a brand, from its logo and packaging to its advertising and displays, are all critical components of sensory marketing. Brands often choose colors that evoke specific emotions or that are linked to their brand personality. For instance, blue often evokes feelings of trust and security, while red can evoke excitement and passion.

Auditory (Sound)

The sounds associated with a brand can have a powerful impact on how customers perceive it. This can include the use of particular music or sound effects in commercials, a memorable jingle, the atmosphere in a store, or even the sound a product makes in use.

Tactile (Touch)

This refers to the physical feel of a product or related materials, which can make a big difference in how customers perceive a brand. This can involve everything from the weight and texture of a product to the quality of its packaging or the materials used in a store.

Olfactory (Smell)

Scent is a powerful sense that is strongly linked to memory and emotion. Some brands, especially in the hospitality and retail industries, have their own signature scent. For example, many hotels use scent marketing to create a specific atmosphere in their lobbies or rooms.

Gustatory (Taste)

For food and drink brands, the sense of taste is obviously crucial. However, even non-food brands can use taste in their marketing, such as by offering unique food or drink experiences as part of a promotion or event.

Sensory marketing can be incredibly effective because it taps into the sensory inputs that we, as humans, naturally use to understand and navigate the world around us. By appealing to more than one sense, brands can create a more memorable and emotionally resonant experience for their customers.


Remember, the best immersive experiences aren’t just about the technology or the spectacle, but about creating a meaningful connection between the brand and its customers. Use one, or many of the techniques above for you next product launch, pop up shop, or marketing campaign with Promobile Marketing


Promobile Marketing is a dynamic experiential marketing agency based in New York City. For over a decade, Promobile Marketing has collaborated with a range of brands—from budding startups to major CPG brands—on immersive marketing campaigns. Get in touch to discuss your next project.